6 Common 'Twin Flame Journey' Types

Answers to why your Twin Flame union might be taking longer than you think..!

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Hey There Fellow Twin Flame

How are you going on your Twin Flame Journey?

🔥 Are you confused over this Twin Flame Process?

🔥 Are you wondering why Twin Flame Physical Union doesn't happen instantly?
🔥 Are you worried that you have done something wrong?

You've met your 'THE ONE' and discovered you are a Twin Flame.

You've read all about the beautiful love that Twin Flames hold for each other, and you've experienced that!

You love your Twin Flame and just want to move to the next logical step.. Right?

But for some reason, things don't seem to be flowing that way... and you don't know why !!!!!

Does this sound familiar to you?

I completely understand your pain and confusion.

I’m a Twin Flame too, and I’ve been there.

This path can be tough....

At first, when I discovered I was a Twin Flame, I thought Twin Flames were just a type of soulmate relationship. Yeah! Woo Hoo!

But then, as my life started to fall apart and I desperately wanted answers, I realized that this Twin Flame thing is a whole lot bigger, and more important that I had previously thought. It wasn’t just about a ‘normal’ romantic relationship, but in fact, a divinely orchestrated process that takes a lot long than I had initially expected.

Desperate to to get to Physical Twin Flame Union, I would research Twin Flame for 3-4 hours a day. Blogs, You Tube Videos and Twin Flame Readings. You name it, I’ve tried it.

I listened to every Twin Flame couples' story I could find, looking for the KEY or ANSWER for getting to Twin Flame Union quickly. But the more I read and listened, the more depressed, confused, and upset I became. Their experiences with their Twin and Twin Flame journey just seemed to be so different to mine.

Nevertheless I kept looking for answers, and eventually as I learnt more about the Twin Flame Journey works, I started to see some patterns. It was now making more sense to me!

Fast forward, hours, days and years later…

That’s when it hit me.

Whilst each of our Twin Flame journeys are unique, there is some commonality across each Twin Flame couple’s journey.

It isn’t just related to the usual Twin Flame Stages, but rather how often, and for how long, a certain ‘stage’ such as separation, comes up.

I got the biggest ‘Ah-Ha’ ...!

🔥🔥🔥 The reason that my Twin Flame journey seems so different to other Twins, was because my Twin Flame and I had signed up for a different type of Twin Flame Journey. 🔥🔥🔥

I was so happy to learn all of this.

I wasn’t doing anything wrong. My Twin Flame Journey, was simply just a ‘different roller coaster’ ride, to other people who I had been listening to and learning from both online and face-to-face in person.

This understanding took a huge weight off my mind.It gave me more peace to allow myself to go with the flow and timeline for my union, that wasn’t meant to be the same as anyone else’s.

As a 'Restricted Access Twin Flame Journey Type', my Twin Flame Journey wasn't go to look like an 'Off and On Again Twin Flame Relationship' Journey Type. It all made sense...

Knowing this information and how much it has helped me understand what is happening, I couldn’t keep it to myself.

I wanted to help other Twin Flames get the same Ah-ha about their Twin Flame Journey that I have.

I share with you what I have learned in my….

🔥🔥 ’6 Common Twin Flame Journey Types (and their effect on Separation)’ Self Study e-Course 🔥🔥

I’ve put together a self-study e-course, that talks about 6 Common Twin Flame Journey Types, and how the process of getting to Twin Flame union may be different for each type.

(This course is a 1 hour and 20 minute deep-dive explanation - with diagrams included of the 6 Common Twin Flame Journey Type's I've discovered, plus lots, lots more.....)

The aim of this course is to help you to understand more about the type of Twin Flame journey that you and your Twin Flame may be on.

  • First off, I’ll help you identify and re-frame your expectations regarding coming into Physical Union with your Twin Flame.
  • I share a little known secret as to why some Twin Flames couples have stronger 5D connections and experiences, whilst other Twin Flame couples do not.
  • I'll give you and idea of some of the things/issues that you and your Twin Flame might be here to work on...
  • And, very importantly, I’ll help you release any worries that you might have done something wrong. Your Twin Flame Journey is your individualised Journey, and not the end-result of a mistake!

So what do you get in this course

  • This video-based e-course is broken down into 14 bite size lessons. You can take your time and watch the lessons over a couple of sessions. Or you can watch them all at once, if you wish. The whole e-course contains 1 hour and 21 minutes of audio/video. Additional time will be required for reflection on your own Twin Flame Journey and completing the Self Study Questions.
  • I also include a mini-Workbook in PDF for you to download, print off, and to take handwritten notes. Handwriting notes gives you better access to your intuition.
  • There is also a non-stop, end-to-end audio recording of all the video lessons so you can re-listen to this e-course on the move. Since the concepts I talk about are explained visually, this audio recording is best used as a ‘refresher’, after you have watched each individual lesson, and already have a good understanding of the diagrams and concepts that each lesson contains.

Who is this e-Course designed for?

Twin Flame Newbies - People who have discovered recently (ie. in the last 6 months to 4 years) that they are a Twin Flame, and who want to learn more about the Journey.

Curious Twin Flames - Twin Flames who are eager to learn more about the Journey, and would like to understand the big picture of what possibly may be happening to them in their Twin Flame connection.

Frustrated Twin Flames – Those who are struggling with the fact that Twin Flame ‘relationships’ don’t seem to follow normal 3D relationship ‘rules’. They would like to find out why Union is taking so long…

Twin Flames in Separation – Twin Flames who are currently in pain, wondering what went wrong in their Twin Flame ‘relationship’, and desperately want to get out of Separation.
(Please note: This course won’t get you out of separation – I can’t fight Divine Timing - but it will help you better understand why you might be in separation, and the bigger picture of what may be happening in your Union. )

Who is this e-Course NOT For?

Happy Twin Flames already in Harmonious Physical Union and you have been for some time. (You’ve already mastered this stuff)

Non-Twin Flames 😊 Obviously!

What DOESN'T this Course Cover?

** This course is NOT about the Twin Flame Stages, nor does it cover the end-to-end Steps needed to get to Twin Flame Union. ***

Instead it talks about Twin Flame JOURNEY TYPES - why some Twin Flames go straight to a relationship, why others don't, and how to identify your own Journey Type.

It is designed to give you some idea of the Journey ahead, and the peace of mind that you have done nothing wrong, even when your Twin Flame Journey looks different to others. Learning this knowledge DRAMATICALLY decreased my stress levels and it will help you too.....

In completing this ‘6 Common Twin Flame Journey Types’ e-course you will:

  • Get some important 'AH-HAs' about your own Twin Flame Connection.
  • Understand why your Twin Flame Journey to Physical Union may be taking longer than you originally thought.
  • Realize why your connection with your Twin Flame may be more spiritual (5D) at first, rather than physical (3D), and visa versa....
  • Reset your expectations about the time it takes to get to Twin Flame Physical Union.
  • Realize that being in Separation from your Twin doesn’t mean you have made a mistake or done anything wrong. (Phew.. 😉!)
  • Be able to better cope with the unexpected twists and turns for your own Twin Flame Journey.

“Realizing there were different types of Twin flame journeys really helped me make more sense of my own Twin Flame experience.I stop judging myself and my Twin when comparing us against to other Twin Flame’s stories. I started to ‘feel’ more into my own Union to get a better sense of what my Twin and I were here to do, and how our process of coming together was most likely to unfold.”

Get a better understanding of your Twin Flame Journey Type !

Don't hesitate any longer about understanding what is happening. Knowledge is Power!

Don't miss out on learning something that will help your Union.

🔥🔥 Click on the "ENROLL NOW" Button (at the very top or bottom on this page) and start learning more about your Twin Flame Journey today. You will be glad you did....! 🔥🔥

Your Instructor


Hi, I'm Kristina and I am a True Twin Flame who has been on this journey for over 13 years. What has really helped me both mentally and emotionally on this journey is a Big Picture Understanding of what the Twin Flame Journey is all about. When you understand the Big Picture behind what you are experiencing, you can let go of the fear, and the worry, and stay in a state of love, joy and allowance that creates Twin Flame Union. Don't worry, you aren't going crazy! I can help you understand what is happening...

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Do I need to watch this e-course on a Computer?
You can watch this e-Course on any device you wish. Because I use detailed diagrams to explain the concepts, the bigger the screen size the easier you will be able to see the details. If you have an iphone or ipad, you can download the Teachable App for a better viewing experience.
How do I access the course after payment?
All of my Twin Flame Courses can be accessed from https://twin-flame-stages.teachable.com Simply login via the Login link in the top right corner, using your email and password provided during the purchase process.

🔥🔥 Click on the "ENROLL NOW" Button and start learning more about your Twin Flame Journey today. You will be glad you did....! 🔥🔥

** This course comes with a RISK FREE 30 Day Guarantee! * *

If you complete this course and don't get a single 'Ah-ha', or learn at least one thing that will benefit your Twin Flame Union, let me know within 30 days of purchase and I will refund your money.

NO WAITING! - All course content has already been created and is just waiting for you to act!

Get started now!