
Welcome Twin Flames!



This course provides explanations of the key terminology used to describe Twin Flames and the Twin Flame 'Spiritual Ascension' Journey that you will find yourself on.

I've broken the videos into four sections to make it easier to consume. Each video is around 20-25 minutes, explaining a number of Twin Flame terms with short examples to aid in your understanding.

You can watch all of the videos in a row, or listen to each section as time permits.

Watching them one after another will take approximately 1 & 1/2 hours.

If you are a new to the Twin Flame Journey, I suggest watching the videos in the order provided. I've tried (but not always succeeded) in using only terminology previously explained. So you may need to watch re-watch some of the videos a second time, if you are really new.

After completing this Twin Flame Terminology overview training course, you will have a much greater understanding of what the Twin Flame Terms mean, and hopefully move forward on your Twin Flame Journey with much more hope, faith, and confidence.

Much Love and Light! xxx

(PS Apologies for the slight background noise during these recordings, there were gale force winds outside whilst I was recording.)

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